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Christopher Ingraham

College students more likely to be heavy drinkers than young adults not enrolled

The United States’ full-time college students are more likely to be heavy drinkers than young adults who aren’t enrolled in college, according to a new federal report. But they’re no more li...

Why your smart friends can seem like such slackers

People who like to use their brains are a lot less physically active than people who don’t, according to research published in the Journal of Health Psychology. Now, you may think...

What Congress is saying about the DEA’s refusal to change course on pot

DEA rejects petition to loosen rules on medical marijuana

Crime victims aren’t so tough on crime

Many back focusing more on rehabilitation

Guns more often used to commit crimes

Self-defense is rarely reason for firearms use, study finds

The incredibly stupid thing people will do this weekend

Fireworks injure thousands of Americans

Who’s packing? Not as many as you thought

Gun ownership is falling, even as sales grow

Study: States are losing out on billions by keeping pot illegal

Critics point to social problems from legalization

Legal pot may be hurting cartels

Legal marijuana may be doing at least one thing that a decades-long drug war couldn’t: taking a bite out of Mexican drug cartels’ profits. The latest data from the U.S. Border Pat...

American drivers rack up record miles in cars

Drivers traveled record 3 trillion miles last year

Pot taking big bite out of Americans’ snack budget

Spending on legal marijuana tops $5.4B

27 Americans shot and killed Christmas Day

In a grim reminder that violence in America never takes a holiday, 27 people were killed and 63 injured in shooting incidents on Christmas Day this year, according to the Gun Violence Archiv...